Class One

Blackboard with chalk drawings of numbers and pictures of dice to illustrate.

Class 1 have begun the Math Main lesson titled the Quality of Numbers. The focus is centered

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Class 1 have begun the Math Main lesson titled the Quality of Numbers. The focus is centered on the discovery and exploration of each individual number from 1 to 12, delving deep into the specific and special aspects of each number as presented in the world. Bookwork involves representing Roman numerals, Arabic numbers, and dice patterns. The students have begun ‘skip’ counting by 1s, 2s, and 4s in morning circle. Using our pebbles, we continue the journey of odd and even numbers, groupings of 12 and representing a given number story. The pebbles are also used to represent a set of numbers and to make geometric forms. 

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Blackboard with chalk drawings of numbers and pictures of dice to illustrate.

Class One

Class 1 have begun the Math Main lesson titled the Quality of Numbers. The focus is centered on the discovery and exploration of each individual

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