We aim to give all children enrolling at the school a smooth transition that enables them to become part of our school with a minimum of disruption and maximum support.
We welcome all children who are eligible to attend a Victorian school.
Please note our fees are all inclusive and cover all scheduled school expenses over the year.
Enrolment Procedure
2) Make an appointment for a school tour and receive application for enrolment form. Upon submission of a completed enrolment form a non-refundable registration fee of $50 per family is payable.
3) The School will organise interviews upon return of signed enrolment form. The Principal is to ensure there is a clear understanding of expectations on both sides and an orientation day will be arranged with the Class Teacher.
4) Following orientation day/s a formal offer of enrolment will be made in writing. Enrolment will only be refused in the case of unjustifiable hardship to the school. If the Principal considers the enrolment as unsuitable, he or she will explain the reasons for this to the parent/guardian
5) If the offer of enrolment is accepted, this will then be entered into the school system and a refundable fee bond of $500 shall be required at the time of enrolment for children in Prep and above. The fee bond is refunded on completion of the enrolled life of the child with the School.
Scholarships & Financial Assistance
Access Scholarships
Mansfield Rudolf Steiner School aims to balance fees with the need to deliver the highest quality program possible. We can only achieve this if families pay the required fees. We are, however, committed to making this wonderful education accessible to as many people as possible. A limited number of Access Scholarships are available in cases where fees may present a barrier to attendance and families are committed to a Steiner Education here at Mansfield.
These scholarships are confidentially assessed based on the individual financial circumstances of families. Applications can be made by contacting the Operations Manager at the school on 03 5779 1445 or [email protected]
Merit-based scholarships (Phased out from 2025)
As of 2025, the school has decided to phase out merit-based scholarships. This measure aligns with our aim to foster students’ intrinsic drive to design their own lives with initiative and purpose rather than being motivated by extrinsic incentives.
Short Term Financial Assistance
Short-term financial Assistance may be sought by current families in an emergency or family crisis that impacts their financial capacity to meet the expected school fee payments.
Applications are strictly confidential and made directly to the Operations Manager at the school on 03 5779 1445 or [email protected]