

Susan Laing’s resources for understanding children

Steiner Education Australia

Mobile Phones

Wait until 8th.

This is an American site but has lots of great information to help you make the important decision on when your child should get a mobile phone.

Reccomended Reading

Understanding Waldorf Education
Jack Petrash

The Incarnating Child
Joan Salte

You Are Your Child’s First Teacher
Rahima Baldwin

Festivals with Children
Brigitte Barz

Gudrun Davey & Bons Voors

The Hurried Child
David Elkind

Children at Play
Heidi Brits-Crecelius

Festivals, Family & Food
Diana Carey & Judy Harpe

Simplicity Parenting
Kim John Payne

Conception, Birth and Early Childhood 
Norbert Glass

Phases of Childhood
B. Lievegoed

Who’s Bringing Them Up? 
Television and Child Development
Martin Large

A Guide to Child Health
Glockler & W. Goebel

The First Three Years of the Child
Karl Konig

Natural Childhood:  a practical guide to the first seven years
John B Thomson

Waldorf Schools Kindergarten and Early Grades  
Ruth Pusch

Happy Children

Steiner Education 
Gilbert Childs

Healing Stories for Challenging Behaviour
Susan Perrow

Work and Play in Early Childhood
Freya Jafke

The Waldorf Parenting Handbook
Lois Cusick

The Education of the Child
Rudolf Steiner

Mothering with Soul
Joan Salter

Beyond the Rainbow Bridge
B Patterson & P Bradley

Ready to Learn 
Martyn Rawson & Michael Rose

The Challenge of the Will
Margaret Meyerkort

The Genius of Natural Childhood
Sally Goddard Blythe

Endangered Minds
Jane Healy

Why Children Don’t Listen
Monika Keil-Hinrichsen

The Way of the Child 
A C Harwood

“Free to Learn” 
Lyn Olfield

Raising a Family
J Elium & D Elium

Story Telling With Children
Nancy Mellon

The Anxious Generation
Jonathan Haidt

Raising Stress Proof Kids – Parenting Today’s Children for Tomorrow’s World 
Shelley Davidow